



anhk.jpg (14284 bytes) mlogo.jpg (6458 bytes)


Primarily Methos:
Adam's Anatomy - Nice little site with one of the most original site maps I've ever seen. The Methos Multimedia Mall - Screencaptures and soundbits of the ROG in a multimedia gallery.
Carpe Methos - Marvelous screencaptures.
The Methos Harem
The Duncan Twin's Methos Timeline Methoslvr's Homepage
grannynet.gif (1546 bytes) The Methos Menagerie - Frufulicious page, plus top tens, links, and parodies.
The Horseman's Camp - a.k.a. The Babe Camp... Methos -- Our Blue-Faced Love God! - Full episode review guide, a picture gallery, fan fiction, interactive games and surveys, a book/CD/video store, and more.
Immies, Kimmies and Swords
Methos Research Department
The MacMint Asylum - apparently nothing is sacred. Not that I'm complaining. Methos Scrolls - mailing list.
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Methos: The Horseman of the Apocalypse
Methos Addicts Methos' Watchers - Methos has many Watchers. Here is where you can leave your reports, view other reports, study his history, & link to other information on Methos. Also come and support the VMC in bringing us Methos Chronicles: The Series!
Methos at Clones R Us
Methos webring
mbb_link_banner2.gif (8712 bytes) No Rest for the Wicked - Sounds and images.
Methos Fever Rain Pierson's Methos Pages
Methos,Methos, Methos - Nice timeline. imortalisque.gif (2419 bytes)

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Ashton Press The HIGHLANDER Sword Shopper's Guide
mainmenu.gif (2482 bytes) Ian's Transcripts
retro02.jpg (10863 bytes) Mother of all Highlander links
Highlander card game collections - This link is to the "Methos" Collection. Old's Soul's Castle - Highlander themed greeting cards, and more.
Highlander Gallery - hundreds of pictures all in thumbnail galleries. Quink Links - if it's not listed there -- No, it's listed there.

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Peter Wingfield Fan Club Unofficial Peter Winfield Appreciation Guild
TV Now  Peter Wingfield  TV schedule Queen of Swords Links

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"Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of owned by the folk."

--Henry Jenkins, Director of Media Studies, MIT

Celedon's Chamber Netcafe - pictures and fanfic from the highlander universe. 
Hall of HonorH Pavilion Fan Fiction
Highlander Quill Club
Pfeffen Place
Janeen's Methos and Joe Page - Stories by six different authors; ranging from the origins of the Game and of the Watchers to the Physics of Quickenings, from Ahriman to the Four Horsemen (beginning to end), and a dark piece with Methos as hunter. A Place of Pretend...(And Methos) - fanfic and a Methos pic gallery.
Killa's Adventures in Melodrama - fan fiction and art from Highlander, Trek and more. quinklogo.gif (8008 bytes)Fanfiction, parodies, and more
Methos_Beotch's Fiction Page - A disgruntled Methos researcher fights bordom and papercuts. rhisfic2.gif (10966 bytes)
Methos' Journal
Seventh Dimension
Methos: the Horsman of the Apocalypsearchive of the fan fic list. Some Immortal Tales

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